Autobusų parko atnaujinimo projektas Šiaulių ir Panevėžio rajonų savivaldybėse
Autobusų parko atnaujinimo projektas Šiaulių ir Panevėžio rajonų savivaldybėse Autobusų parko atnaujinimo projektas Šiaulių ir Panevėžio rajonų savivaldybėse UAB ,,Transrevis“ įgyvendina projektą pagal 2022–2030 metų plėtros programos valdytojos Lietuvos Respublikos susisiekimo ministerijos susisiekimo plėtros programos pažangos priemonės Nr. 10-001-06-01-01 „Skatinti alternatyviųjų degalų naudojimą transporto sektoriuje“ veiklos „Miesto ir priemiestinio viešojo transporto priemonių parko atnaujinimas, skatinant […]
UAB “Transrevis” conducts a passenger survey on how to improve the quality of services
The Lithuanian transport company Transrevis UAB has started an annual passenger survey, which aims to find out the opinion of passengers about the services provided and find ways to improve their quality. From June 3 until June 17 in the ongoing survey, passengers can express their opinion about travel time, frequency of flights, route changes and other important aspects.
Some of the company’s tr. facilities are adapted for disabled and/or persons with limited mobility
Part of those belonging to the company tr. facilities are adapted for disabled and/or persons with limited mobility Last year, the Government of Lithuania adopted a law according to which carriers providing public transport services, when purchasing new buses, must provide a special seat for disabled and/or persons with limited mobility, so that these passengers […]
UAB “Transrevis” bus driver salary changes in 2022.
UAB Transrevis bus driver salary changes in 2022 Taking into account the quality of the services provided, UAB Transrevis increased the wages of bus drivers by an average of 15% and financed the training costs of category D bus drivers and the 95 code training. In order to attract more bus drivers, the Company increased […]
“Transrevis” will conduct a survey of Lithuanian regional and intercity transport passengers
“Transrevis” will conduct a survey of Lithuanian regional and intercity transport passengers In order to find out the opinion of passengers about the quality of the service provided, as well as whether the travel habits of passengers have changed, UAB “Transrevis” and UAB “Uma Trans” will conduct a passenger survey on several Lithuanian district and […]